mercredi 21 avril 2010

Let it all hang out!

De : Lucien Francoeur Détails
Objet : Let it all hang out!
Well o well Tony here is the story
please do not worry
(it rimes like a bad rap...)

good that you feel bad not getting in touch
that way I am not the only one in deep guilt

I just saw your in the Rolling Stone Mag
a good short critic on th Runaways book
I was gliding thru the your name caught my bald eagle eye
and I was glad for you (not knowing what I know now about the bad vibes etc
and I am glad very happy that you are out of it all!)

every other day I talk about your books here and there
and recently like yesterday in fact I wrote about you
to Meg Gardiner tellling her to read «Down and Out...»
(go see her on Wikipedia... if not for her books then for her looks!)
you must read «Mission Canyon» her first book in the Evan Delaney serie (4 books so far)
and now she has 2 (the second has just been released...) with a new PI caracter named Joe Beckett
the first one being: THE DIRTY SECRETS CLUB
and I also told Marc Villard in France to read «Down and out...»
and «Notre Dame...»
he has just released a new graphic novel in french: Happy Slap
adaptation from his novel «Bird» (not a bio but a novel using the Parker's surname
for the main caracter...)
he is quite involve in graphic novels the one title before
LA GUITARE DE BO DIDLEY (again from one of his novels)
have you seen what was done a few years back with
Andrew Vachss: HARD LOOKS
very good!
(may be one day we will see one of your books or stories into that form)

I felll guilty for not sending you what I promised to send you
and coincidence last friday the photo audio video shop on the corner here
remembred me that I have to pick up a copy I asked him to make
of one of my videos or records for you... so you see we both have a guilt prob!
so lets make a deal and forget about it and feel good beeing alive and kicking

amphetamines...coke...all those stimulants are very bad for me
the worst... the drive me crazy, paranoid, sex driven etc...
heroine is still the best medication for the soul
if you do not abuse it and use it for getting rid of the edge of daily shit
but I am so high on methadone that I have to be very nostalgic to do it again
wich I did last week cause a friend junkie of mine (friend being a strong word here)
had some good stuff so I did it in the morning before taking methadone
I did a point
and what a rush and it made me feel alive again and whole
and that life is worth living under the smack high
I told myself that there is still time left to go back on it
when the time is right and the money to feed a strong habit
because to replace 165mll of methadone I would need a lot of H
althoug I could keep an amount of methadone as a basic confort
and keep a 2-3 points a day routine...
will see
there is hope after all

opium smoking would be a good compromise too
but impossible to find unless your are asian connected or whatever...
but that high keeps you from active life you dream and sleep and dream etc
under smack I can write teach give concerts like Burroughs did...

now that I know Sick City is out I will try to find it in a Montreal Library
and if you send it to me signed I will give my copy to a friend
nothing is ever lost with me I never throw away a book
you should see my home I have books and books thousand of books
and I love it allthough sometime I scared to be a «hoarder»
an intellectual hoarder...a book hoarder... a reading hoarder...

I am now at a Strabuck writing on my notepad Acer Aspire One
a very portable very small laptop good for a writer on the road
I spend 4-5 hours a day at this Starbuck or other ones downtown
this one is 5 minutes from home
I can never have breakfast home
haven't had for the last 20 years
gotta put my cowboy boots and 501 Levi's and t-shirl
and hit the road...get out of the house were I cannot concentrate
to many books videos cd dvd guitars etc etc
that is why I do not smoke grass anymore
I am unable to decide what to do
theonly way I can smoke is when I hit the road with one of my cars
and listen to sixties hippie music for 4-5 hours on country roads
seing farms lakes cows horses etc... happy high and like I could be in Frisco
but that heavy nostalgia has been more painfull then anything else lately
with all those friends and heroes who died and are still dying on me

again heroine is the sublime medication for that tortured soul of mine
we should be able to have a prescription for it instead of antidepressants

what else...
oh yeah and I should be jumpping all around
if it wouldn't mean for me to get out of my sanctum
a very big record company of Quebec a major one
in fact one of the 2 major one
will be releasing all my albums
in a box-set, eith a booklet full of memorabilia
the digipack kind of boxset... like that recent Doors's box of those New York concerts
(you have to buy that Tony...really!!)
and I will be also publishing that book-album story of my life in pictures, images etc
plus right now ther is an album being done with my poetry on concrete music (Cale, Eno type)
I have recorded my voice so far and havenothing to do it will be an international release
Quebec Company with a German one... the musician doing it works under the name VROMB (itunes...)
the guy Mario is a genius in that field of exploratory sound and music he makes strange symphony
that will be a boxset but numbered etc... may be called UNE PRIÈRE ROCK... or...???
PRIÈRES DE JUKE-BOX...JUKE BOX PRAYERS... still have to work on the title
and I might not have to find the title Mario might take one from my poems
since he is the master mind and I gave him carte blanche...

but all those projects will make me get out of my mind-bunker
and I hate that hate it so much Tony I could scream in the middle of the streets
but there is a part of me that wants to keep the notoriety alive and front page

now there is the MTV station here that wants me for a 10 episodes
talking about music and my memories the sixties seventies etc
and yeah THE KINKS
one of my best band ever
all the new bands are influenced by them
first albums I bought
the beatles first
the rolling stones first
the animals first
and i stole THE KINKS first
it was bent form the sun in the window
we ahd to customized the pick up put some quarters
on the arm that we had to lift so it would follow the grooves
songs like

you have to read about the Davies brothers
insane is a weak word
and Ray Davies has a recent album
wich is very kink style
style that hasn't aged
I heard the song that give the album its title
in a Starbuck
and it felt familiar
and with SCHAZAM on my Iphone
it confirmed it was THE KINKS
cause Ray Davies is the Kinks by himself

so good that you are into it
the is a great box-set of them
and I just saw it used in mint condition
and you make me want to go and grab it
so thanks Tony for cuing me on

all great songs

and one album you have to have
releaded in the middle of the hippie craze
and they did not give a shit
kept on doing what they did kbest
great britihish felt music
with songs like
I bought it when I was living in New Orleans in 68-69
never stop listening to it
with another album released at the same time
with the same commitment toward jpersonnal music
right in the depp flower power mania
Eric Burdon and the New Animals
those 2 albums
have grey jacket sleeve
and have something in common
very british very whats the word cockney maybe
irish pub like but Burdon is more then that

what a long fucking email

wanted to write 2-3 lines

well take care of yourself
and Van and Nico...
(my friend Alan Lord the musician's son's name his also Nico... 8 years old)
Alan has songs on utubes I think and Myspace maybe
in english
title of album to be released

I ll go back reading YOUG LIARS
comic book series by David Lapham
(Stray Bullets etc)
a rock'n'roll comic serie now in TPB

so Tony again
no guilt
love you
I have friends here
10 minutes form home
and I do not see them often

as for the bad shit with publicist etc
think of it this way
it is part of our karma to have to go thru problems
one you see it that way you do not get taken by surprise
when an asshole or a fucked up situation hits you
I use tosay to myself
Lucien you are going to bu stuck with crap and assholes
it is part of your destiny your life karma so swim thru it
knowing that you will come out on top because your are right and rightous
and that way you see the horizon instead of the immediate bulshit
and you tell yourself that this is a warm up for the better...

ciao Tony mon ami

Lucien Francoeur

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