lundi 13 avril 2009

let it roll

Wow Tony!

So glad that all that is happening
very good man...
I wish I could go
and may be I will manage
Virginie goes to New York quite often
she has friends in Soho
to bad we don't have the TGV (Train Grande Vitesse)
we would be in NYC every week end!
but it's not for tomorrow
they have that in France
and they can go all over Europe
but here in Quebec
they are scared shit of the bad USA
so no way they gonna build a TGV

I bought a few books of Fante
-1933 was a bad year
-Wait until spring Bandini
-Full of life
-Ask the dust

Thursday I will mail to you a few things, more than a few… And if I cannot send you in one shot everything I will send the rest next week…
It would be cool if I could shake my ass and be at one of your reading in NYC… I will try…may be Virginie will get me off my ass1

Anyway, can’t wait to see «Notre-Dame du Vide»… Claudine will be able to read you… If you can’t send me a copy I will get it here… but may be you can ask the publisher to put me on his mailing list because I will talk about the book on my radio-net show and he can listen… So if you talk to him tell him to send me a copy and Claudine could also talk about it on her 3 radio shows one on FM and 2 on the internet… She in on «» just before me on Friday from 10 to 11 AM… and she has another radio show on the net but with a French station… and she is also on FM so tell him to send one to me and one to Claudine Bertrand… he can go and look into «»… there are big names from France there and from all over the world… so he will get a buzz from that for sure when he sees name like: Bernard Noël, Arabal etc etc…

So talk to you soon again Tony!

Best of
