vendredi 3 avril 2009

Autre lettre à Tony O'Neill!

Hi Tony

just read your e-mail
although I am sending you long e-mails
feel free Tony to answer the way you want
and when you want
especially now that your have to finish your manuscript
I consider our internet relation as friendly meaningful as any other
so do not worry if you do not feel to answer right now or by writing just a few lines
after all for the time being you are the one
who need time and space to get the work done
as far as I am concern
I am in a kind of free period
not much on the working table
although Ronald my relationist
wants me to get my lyrics ready for the Aut'Chose album
that I'll have to record this summer
and Claudine is going crazy
because I do not get all my poems together to form a book
and other project like an autobiographical scrapbook
with pictures and memorabilia etc
I am kind of lazy
the word in French is
which is not exactly lazy but creatively lazy

so again Tony don't worry about me
I'll understand if you cannot always answer on the dot
I have time now to write to you
and I enjoy doing it
whether it is to tell you what I feel about your work
or go on telling you about my life and way of seeing things

this morning I did not feel to go do my radio show
I wanted to have them re-play an old show
but since I wanted to talk about your books again
in direct relation to receiving «Songs from...»
if you have a chance listen this week-end
from 11 to noon at «»
I went with it for a whole segment of the show
and it is listen to by people all over the world
so it is interesting for the book visibility

this week end I will get a few things together
and mail them to you Monday
2-3 books with short explanations when in French
but you will always be able to get the drift because
I use a lot of English words and expressions
and I will send you 1 or 2 (if possible) cds
will make a copy of them if I cannot find the original releases
and there is a road-movie that I made in the states
a very important film on my life and all
EXIT POUR NOMADES (Exit for Nomads)
made all over Quebec and California and New Mexico
with a huge budget for that kind of a film
a cross between fiction and autobio
I will see if I can have a friend make a copy
and if I do not send everything Monday
it will follow in 2-3 weeks at the most

I might start to do a one hour radio-web show from my home
from 2 to 3 in the night early morning...
with a visual dimension
my Friday show will start having a visual next week or soon
so you will be able to see how much fucking weight I have to loose
10 to 15 pounds...
it is the methadone that give me trouble shit
on H I was so sharp...

like I said
when I go back teaching
I will have my students by your book(s) in translation(s)
and will also give the copy of «Songs from...»
to an English friend who will be able to talk about it
some of my Anglos poets friend
Endre Farkas
or Ken Norris (American)
or even Leonard Cohen
who lives close to me
and I see him at the bagel shop
so I'll see what comes first and what is best

Now Listen to me Tony
about your books of poetry
that you do not feel anymore
I went to the same phase
but believe me
(I am 60 now
fuck I hate that number
but it gives me a perspective on life at least...)
one day when you get older
you will come back to these books
and if you don't
the fans will force you to come back
and you will realise one thing (at least)
for the better or the worst
the work that we do in our first 10 years
is the stuff that makes us what we are
and that is what the fan or adept
go crazy for
when us we love what we are doing while we are doing it
and cannot understand that people go crazy
for our early work that we sometime find awkward weak etc
but is made history and made us make history
and there is nothing that we can do about it
that is why I say to you
write like a mother fucker
because the way you write now
will not last forever
and you will not be able to get back to that
even if you try to copy imitate yourself
look at Patti Smith doing again Horse
and Lour Reed Berlin
and Bowie will do Low or Hunky Dory etc
there is something and I realise that now
in the early writings that is spontaneous thru full candid free flow naive etc etc
so do not worry if you shy away from those books now
the will come back to hunt you no matter what
and you will learn to love them thru the people going nuts about it...

and that is that
from Nostradamus Francoeur
Johnny Shivers
from Quebec Love...

take good care
my best to Vanessa and Nico
the O'Neill love triangle!

Talk to you later
going to the resto
Claudine and Virginie
are waiting for me
rock desire


ps. Tony
you will notice
that there are less mistakes in this e-mail
I made it go thru the corrector
I should have done that for the others
And re-reading them without too much mistakes
And found them good enough
And so revealing
About writing (yours and mine)
And about life and all
Text drug and rock
that I dropped them
in Blogger Francoeur Aut'Chose
and in «» Aut'Chose forum
just my e-mails
yours belong to you
so you see Tony you play a big role
writing to you about you and your work
make me write about me and my writing and all...

both of us are fucking winners!
