vendredi 6 novembre 2009

En toute solidarité karmique je vous demande de signifier à un certain Bruno Roy qu'il est un fourbe intellectuellement parlant et un falsificateur historiquement parlant... et en ce qui me concerne: un scélérat qui trahit le sens du mot intégrité, la notion du concept d'éthique et la mémoire même de mes amis Gaston Miron et Gerry Boulet, entre autres!

Naked Lunch

Hi Tony

I feel as guilty as you for not writing
but like I told you
you are a friend and I hope that one day we will meet
but I am not to mobile these days
fucking methadone his slowing me down
or so I like to think
and blame it on it
in fact I think that life itself is slowing me down
again since we last talk
friends died or gotten sick or else
and I am shutting myself out

I have suggested to a bd artist
Salgood Sam (well known, Marvel DC)
that he should read your books
specially «Down and Out...»
and that he should make a graphic novel out of it
you see I am still on you case even if you don't hear from me
I do not know if he will be curious enough
but I have insisted that he should
telling him how great your work his etc
and I will keep on trying
and maybe one day we will be lucky
because I think that it would make a great graphic novel
like those one I did mentioned to you
my friend Marc Villard
has just released another graphic novel
based on one of his polar novel
«La guitare de Bo Bidley»
(I don't need to translate that Tony..)
and it is a marvelous book
drawed by Chauzy (a genius of the genre)
and Villard has made the script for adaptation
and as a matter of fact
I have asked Marc to go get
«Notre-Dame du Vide»
and if he can
«Down and Out...»
I am sure he will get «Notre Dame du Vide» at least....

I am supervising a couple of projects here
one his a book of my career and life
type of album scrapbook of memorabilia and iconography etc
and another one is
a selection of my songs (12) into comic strips
not much writing for me there and it's ok by me
since I am out of everything
may be the drive of writing will come back one day
at might be going thru a phase...late andropose or whatever...
but time is flying by
and again I envy you and Marc
and my other friends and favorite writers
for writing novels
I wish I could have done it
but some people envy my poetry and songs writing
and all my communication skills
but 2 things I would have liked to have done
play guitar enough to play anything on stage
and write novels like thrillers (Marc) and autobio (you)
I might write (a compromise!?) a short story
based on part of my life as a dharma bum
(material that would have gone into novels)
for a graphic novel drawed by Eric Theriault
(go see on Google...he has just published VEENA...
in which I have a poem!)
so that could be a way of making me fell less guilty
for not being a novelist
if I could use all of my life memories and stories on the road
that could have gone into novel
and use it for graphic novels
it is a lot less work for the author (me)
but I still have to put myself to it
so far I have a link story
a rock-poet hits the road in his Mustang 67 with his daughter Sweet Virginia
a road trip to California thru Route 66
and on the way the radio plays songs and he hears one
let's say a Dylan song and he starts telling his daughter
what he was doing at the time of the song
and we go into that part of his life
when he (me) was 15 and on the bum road
drug sex and etc with suspense, a bit of a thriller atmosphere etc
and at the end we see the Mustang pull into a Diner-Motel parking
Paris-Texas style...
and there could be a second album based on the same
memory starter (a song..or an impression on seeing something on the road)

anyway I am good for ideas but so hard to put to work...

so tell me more about what you are into when you have time
but never but never feel guilty if you do not write
like I said I feel the same and I think of you often
at least a thought on a daily basis
and sometime I start talking to you in my head
and I am telling you what I just wrote above...

so take good care until next email

I will go and watch an episode of
(I bought the 6-7 seasons)
and it is so far out and intelligent and timeless (rare for TV series!)
it did not aged or if it did it did it in a marvelous way

ciao Tony
with all my best

rock desire & cowboy blues
nam myoho rengué kyo