mercredi 22 avril 2009

Strange days!

Hi Tony

finally I mailed a pretty big parcel today
you will receive it in 5-6 days
sent it air-mail
and there is a few books and one cd
I think you will enjoy the stuff

I will send you some more next week
like I told you
some dvd (2)
and another cd of a recent album I did
which is pretty good
the lyrics are great
and the music also
but to much sinthé
I was on smack for the 6 months of the recording
I spent a winter and spring in the studio
making Japanese tea and smoking H

what I sent you today
contains some vintage books
and some recent one
like I explained

that little book was written in the early seventies when I was doing a lot of acid and smoking grass
and mushroom and all psychedelics drugs... I was traveling between Mtl, Vancouver, L.A. and Frisco
sometimes leaving in communes sometimes on skid-row etc etc exile on main street time
When I wrote that little book I was having a heartbreak with Suzanne Queen of the Underground
everybody wanted to take her away from me and was too busy with other girls and dope
so I lost her and got sad and got mad and sad and mad etc etc and wrote that book
I very well known writer of that era read it on acid and he was a teacher at University
and he freaked out took himself for Billy the Kid and went thru a plate-glass window
and cut himself pretty badly and that made the new at the time
so I was a hero of the underground and over ground before making any albums
my books were put down by the straight in the tabloid and that was unusual for a poet
to see his name and books mentioned in those tabloid and everyday papers
So this book is a classic of that area and impossible to find and it sells for close to a hundred dollars
It is a pulp psychedelic kind of a novel that was never completed but it made history

That cd sold very well and receive a lot of good critics because the musicians were great and well known
all coming from different alternative rock band that were and are legendary
the songs were the same that I had recorded in 1974 for CBS
we played them live on tape and did not change anything
the sound is more powerful and my voice a bit different more mature
and that edition is a special one for a TV promotion with a bonus second album
with one song recorded in 1987 when my daughter was born
and the song was produce by a friend of mine a huge rock star of Quebec
Gerry Boulet of Offenbach... (Kathy Reichs mentioned him at the beginning of her first novel) the first French rock band ever in Quebec
he died 2 years after sometimes in 1990 he sings with me and that is another collector’s item
I had written that song when I was touring in France with my band (French musicians)
so that song has a special meaning for me although I would do the voice differently today
but I did it at the time like Gerry wanted me to do it and I followed his guidance

if you have any question feel free to ask me anything when you go thru the stuff...

So take care Tony

best of
