jeudi 9 avril 2009

Tony mon ami...

Hey Tony short one here
until later tonight
my daughter is coming to get me
she's taking me to the movies
hope she will pick a film in English
and not the French version of one
We saw TAKEN and SLUMDOG in original English version!
But sometime she goes for the fucking French version
although she now speaks English quite good
from going out with English Canadian or American guys

so to the movies tonight
I love that shit with Virginie
makes me feel good

thanks for the books you will try to send me
but Tony do what you can
I will send you good stuff believe me

and it pleases me to do so

I smoked a joint with Ginsberg and Corso
did not do H with Burroughs
I was not on it at the time
was mostly into booze and pot
but booze a lot
my Jim Morrison period
got fat on beer and Jack D

yeah my psy is so good looking
Laurie Galfand
nice name
little black boots
and black jeans
Levy's I think
I hope
and flower power top
and short hair
& although I am high on methadone
she gives me a....hard on!
(it rimes...)

but my case is hopeless
all I need is a break from life
no teaching for a while
just my regular life
«little things»
title of Jeffrey Brown's book
that I read
while reading
«Songs from the Shooting Gallery»
man what a stretch
opposite poles
but then again
it works
look into his stuff may be on Google
it is worth it...


What a stupid film
cars chicks mex-rap
so stupid it ain't even funny

but then again

anyway Virginie and I laughed
all the way to the end...

funny thing happen tonight
while we were taking our seats
a song was playing
that I use to listen a lot

and love as much

while I was on H a few years back
and Virginie tells me it is Bran Van 3000
and these guys are huge fans of me
they asked me last summer
to join them in Quebec City
for one of my song that they love
they were playing in front of 100,000 people
but I was 4 hours from there
a member of a jury for a song festival
and I could not make it
and tonight learning that there song
was part of my H ride
made me so sad and mad at myself
to have missed that encounter on stage
jesus christ!!!!
but I could not make it
maybe I could have thinking back
you see Tony
I do not want to brag
but I am a legend here
and in a lot of places in the world
most often underground
but isn’t it the best place to be a legend
they are the one the last and outlast all others
I told you about Beck
that guy talked about me on TV
saying how much he liked my stuff
and Jello Biafra
and here in Quebec
all the new bands and artists
since the last 15 years
have been influenced by my poetry songs and poems
and this does not mean anything anymore
for the time being at least
the methadone makes everything worthless
and do not know if it does that to all who are on it
you mentioned that program
where you can go and shoot H or morphine
there was one like that here last year
now it is under evaluation
but it was worst then the methadone
you had to go thru all kind of bulshit
and were probably under police surveillance

you are right about your friend
saying that the meeting with the dealer was special
I miss that sometimes
but not the pain of sickness
and I for a while

knew the dealer

and still know him

(I see him at Starbuck 2-3 times a week like I told you)

he can deliver here at my door

which is very unique for H
you the user have to run
but this dealer makes home delivery
like Domino Pizza under 20 minutes!
but if he takes more then the 20 minutes
he doesn't give it to you for free!!!! ha ha!

So that’s it for now

Take good care

I like our little intense exchange

I am enjoying it a lot

And learning from it

Plus it gives me the urge to write

I am getting poems out

Of my 5 laptops (yeas 5!)

And 3 desk computer

Well it is a lot

But I also have 50 pair of cowboy boots

And 14 cars 4 bikes

And 20 guitars and 5,000 books

And so many cds and dvds

What a fucking Buddhist I make

The Dalai Lama would puke on his sandals man!

But I practice a kind of special Buddhism

The Sokka Gakaï

Based on the realisation of your desires

Instead of renouncing

You reach for your desires

And as outrageous as they might be

You tend to eliminate the stupid one

And get to keep the good one

In my case I am still in the «most have everything» right now and fast!

But then again I put in practice the principles

Trying to be a good person and helping others

And having no destructive thought no violence etc

Anyway just writing to you and reading you

Makes me feel like I should publish a book of poetry

All I have to do is look into my computers

And into my note books

(I use the Moleskin one… used by the writers in the fifties…)

It is all-mythic I know

But hell it keeps me going…

Best of



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