jeudi 2 avril 2009

Hi Tony!

Hi Tony

just a fast one
I am going to the dentist
fucking methadone!

I know the translation is not done
but I can't wait for it to be
so Claudine can read it

ands wow wow wow
«Songs from the Shooting Gallery»
(what a title!)
is the one that I could not get
from Amazon Canada
and how fucking great it is
that it's the one you are sending me

now the rest is easy
I will order the other books
from Amazon Canada
as of right now!

Couldn’t be better...

I'll get my stuff ready to send
as soon as I receive your book
with I hope a return address
for me to use

I'll write a bit more
after the dentist

Hey I saw Faithfull yesterday
on the Letterman show
what a band she had
and what a song
and what a voice
but what a fucked up suit
she looked trapped in it

well o well...
she's a living legend
survivor of the glorious sixties
and how good looking was she
when she was Jagger's junkie girlfriend

ok for now

talk to you later

rock desire!


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