samedi 18 avril 2009

Hi again Tony

Hi Tony again

the package is made
everything that I described in precedent e-mail is in

a good size parcel very well packed
in an Amazon cardboard I had kept for it

good luck uncapping it
just joking
should be easy
although lots of scotch tape

if I do not mail it tomorrow
it will be done Monday
by air mail

I sent some books in French
because I know you will get the drift
and one day you might be able to read some part of them
if you go in France for the promotion of you books

I don't know if I told you about a very good friend of mine
that is very well known in France and all French territories
is name is Marc Villard and he started as a poet of counter-culture
and after a few books he wrote some «Romans noir», dark thriller novels
and what he brought to that style was the presence of rock'n'roll and blues and jazz
so far he has published 20 books in the Gallimard Black Thriller Collection
which is a real consecration and they have recently made a graphic novel
with passages from a few of his books and it his very good
so your French publisher has got to know him
and 2 other very well known writers friends of mine

Go see the Yves Simon website
and click the video section
and listen to a song he made on Baskiat
he made the video himself and it his very sharp
this guy wrote more than 10 novels and as much albums

as far as Patrice Delbourg he is a well known journalist
and a poet with also one or two novels I think

I also made a book with one of the most well known counter-cultural writer
is name is Claude Pélieu and he died at more than 70 years old in New-York
I did mention him I am sure and we made a book together 2-3 years before he died
I told you he was part of the Beat Generation and intimate with Burroughs (he translated his books)
and although I was maybe harsh on him about his translations of Burroughs they are pretty good
and one has to take into consideration that he was a pioneer in translating a not so easy type of writing...

untill then
so far so good...

best of

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